Mom! cancel all my meeting!
I shall return.
The air-nomad and me has something in common.
We both a pasifist.
We only take action when we had absolutly no choice.
I am not a doing kind of guy,
I am more into do nothing
untill do nothing is not possible.
then, perhaps I will do something.
For only then, the path is clear.
Only then, a man is sincere.
I sleep.. I sleep long.
It is been a week I didn't take any coffee.
I realize, How hard it is
to go through the day half-concious,
semi-awake, a walking zombie.
Caffein help me return.
Perhaps the taste of coffee
Remind of my home
My true home..
Back to the temple.
Modern world is sucks.
The system is for surface-dweller.
And I am not,
It doesn't fit me.
And it will never be.
Why go down that road?
Let me Return.
Once and for all.
May the force be with you